Sub Committeess

ASEAN Insurance Education Committee (AIEC)

Other than creating a healthy business environment within insurance industry, the ASEAN Insurance Council also puts its highest interest to the development of quality and capability of the human resources in the industry. In conjunction to this, the insurance sector must ensure that it has the talent needed to achieve the goals of meeting customers’ long-term financing and retirement needs while fulfilling its social function of providing resources for infrastructure, retirement, natural disaster risk mitigation and trade.

Chairman : Chief Executive Officer – Singapore College of Insurance (SCI)
Vice Chairman : Executive Director – Insurance Institute for Asia and the Pacific (IIAP)
Chair of Actuarial Talent Development Working Committee (ATDWC) Singapore Actuarial Society (SAS)
Vice Chair of Actuarial Talent Development Working Committee (ATDWC) Cambodia Actuarial Working Group

During the process of achieving this, the sector has realised that it has been faced with critical skills shortage, both in technical as well as top level leadership capabilities. Due to this very reason, the Council believes that a strong educational foundation is highly necessary to create quality workforce; thus the ASEAN Insurance Education Committee (AIEC) was established in 2003.

Throughout its development, various programmes have been conducted regularly by AIEC; a number of them are in cooperation with several other organisation, which are: (i) ASEAN Insurance Training and Research Institute (AITRI), (ii) Singapore College of Insurance (SCI), (iii) ASEAN Insurance Quarterly E-Magazine; (iv) Insurance Institute for Asia and the Pacific (IIAP), and (v) ASEAN Actuarial Talent Development Working Committee.

Programmes & Projects

These are the following programmes and projects which have been successfully carried out by AIEC and currently on-going:

  • ASEAN Young Manager Award (YAMA Award); a regular program conducted every year/annually, led by AITRI
  • ASEAN Insurance Congress; a regular program conducted once every two years/bi-annually, led by AITRI
  • ASEAN School for Young Insurance Managers (AYIM) together with AYIM Scholarship Grant; regular programmes conducted every year/annually, led by SCI
  • ASEAN School for Advance Insurance Leadership (SAIL); a regular program conducted every year/annually, led by SCI
  • ASEAN Insurance Quarterly E-Magazine, in cooperation with IIAP
  • ASEAN Managers Microinsurance Course (AMMC), in cooperation with IIAP
  • ASEAN Actuarial Talent Development Working Committee
  • ASEAN Insurance Education Masterplan
  • ASEAN Reinsurance Programme
  • ASEAN Insurance Diploma
  • ASEAN Insurtech School

Working Committee

For its most recent programme, AIEC has formed the ASEAN Education Master Plan Working Committee in Bali on 13 July 2018. The objective of this Working Committee is to establish the ASEAN Education Master Plan to accomplish the following tasks:
  • Map out existing stock of training and certification programmes in the respective ASEAN member states; 
  • Identify training gaps across the Region; 
  • Draw up the ASEAN Education Master Plan with the time frame on execution, to meet training gaps for the industry in order to prepare itself adequately to help build an ASEAN economic power.

Already in its 4th year, the popular ARP Training Programmes conducted for the first time in 2021, were delivered virtually to participants all over South-East Asia.