ASEAN Health and Medical Insurance Committee (AHMIC)
Chairman: Dian Budiani – PT. Prudential Life Assurance / AAJI
Vice Chair: Sara Lamsam – Muang Thai Life Assurance Public Company Limited (MTL) / TLAA
ASEAN Health & Medical Insurance Committee (AHMIC) was created by the ASEAN Insurance Council (AIC) to:
• Address the need for an official ASEAN channel for high-profile discussions specific to health and medical insurance among national insurers in the region;
• Serve as a channel for life and nonlife/general insurers, which are key players in the development of the insurance industry, to craft their responses to various industry issues and their strategies to address such issues;
• Help participants of the ASEAN Insurance Regulators’ meeting engage in more fruitful discussions on health and medical insurance by providing them the viewpoints of national insurers;
• Aid regulators in coming up with more guided decisions which affect life and nonlife/general insurers pertaining to issues related to health and medical insurance; help regulators in harmonizing regulation within ASEAN; and
• Promote a healthy and cooperative environment between the different stakeholders in the health and medical insurance industry.
The members of The ASEAN Health and Medical Insurance Committee (AHMIC) are the representatives from the following life and nonlife/general associations in the ASEAN countries:
- Brunei Insurance and Takaful Association (BITA)
- Insurance Association of Cambodia (IAC)
- General Insurance Association of Indonesia/ Asosiasi Asuransi Umum Indonesia (AAUI)
- Indonesia Life Insurance Association/ Asosiasi Asuransi Jiwa Indonesia (AAJI)
- Lao Insurance Association (LIA)
- General Insurance Association of Malaysia/ Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia (PIAM)
- Life Insurance Association of Malaysia/ Persatuan Insurans Hayat Malaysia (LIAM)
- Myanmar Insurance Association (MIA)
- Philippine Insurers and Reinsurers Association (PIRA)
- Philippine Life Insurance Association (PLIA)
- General Insurance Association of Singapore (GIA – Singapore)
- Life Insurance Association of Singapore (LIA – Singapore)
- Thai General Insurance Association (TGIA)
- The Thai Life Assurance Association (TLAA)